Bake Off Rotorbake E2 (T2)

Innovative Conception
Many years’ experience of fanned ovens have enabled Bake Off to create a new generation of rotating ovens that exploit the advantages of both types of design and operation, combining the simplicity of fanned baking with the baking performance of a rotating oven.
The entire RotorBake series has highly compact dimensions thanks to the air supply from heat generators that are in direct contact with the baking chamber.
Both space and heat exchange are thus optimised so that little energy is consumed. Exploiting the closeness between the source of heat and the food has made it possible to reduce wasted energy and therefore consumption to a minimum.

This has reduced prices and maintenance costs for the entire RotorBake range. Maintenance costs have been further reduced by the design that ensures easy and immediate access to all basic parts in order to simplify servicing and maintenance tasks.